Friday, July 2, 2010

Annual 4th of July trip

The weather this year has been very wet.
This combined with working... a ....lot.... has made it difficult to get our summer started with weekend trips. Luckily, our backpacking drought is ending today! We started our 4th of July trips two years ago when it occurred to us both that we dislike crowds and we dislike fireworks, so why not get the heck out of dodge? Here is a recap of the last two trips:

2009: Indian Heaven. Lots of mosquitos, a few too many people, but amazing scenic views. This hike during non mosquito times would be fantastic! Luckily for us, we had repellent!

2008: the gorge
Have I ever mentioned how lucky I am to live in the NW? It is so beautiful and there are so many options for outdoorsy people! in 2008 we managed to find this tiny lake that was full of large trout. I will leave that tiny lake unnamed just because we like to think of it as spot to go back to when we want complete seclusion. If you really want more info on this dream me, but I don't feel like adding it to the sea of keywords on the internet. Anyways, it was a stellar, no... monumental trip. Loved every minute of it. Here are a few pics:

A few endnotes-
*I was not expecting to actually catch fish. I had no frying pan for the big one in the picture so Betty and I actually cooked it on a hot rock in the fire. We felt bad ass.
*On one of our day trips we came across some fresh bear poo. Very cool and a bit creepy too!
*and the best endnote.... waking up to the sounds of elk communicating at 4:30 in the morning. They were close too. It was amazing.
Alright. I'm sufficiently excited now. Hope to post pics soon of our 2010 trip to the Mt. St. Helens area!
Did I also mention that my 1 week vacation starts tonight at 5pm? Backpacking, then surfing and atv-ing at the beach with my family?

Life is good.

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