Tuesday, July 29, 2008

in need of...

a bit of solitude.

I have been feeling very blah lately.

I'm pretty sure it is related to my transitional stage and my inability to secure a full-time job. I am very excited to be done with school, but my new degree has made it more difficult to find a job that suits me. I know I want to do anything with dementia, especially research and training around dementia care delivery. There are no jobs for this. I need to create a job, or a business and I know I can make this happen. In the meantime, I NEED a day job to pay the bills. I know something will come my way and I'm doing my best to remain positive.

Please send positive job thoughts my way!

1 comment:

Miss Night said...

Wishing you some peace of mind. The right opportunity will find you, I know. I also know you're not really looking to relocate, but if I see anything that makes me think of you, I'll pass it along. Miss you.